With a real life pandemic happening everything seems off kilter. No one in a million years would have ever thought we would be here but here we are.

As I was out stocking up on a few supplies over the past few days, I couldn’t help but notice what was left on the shelves and what was completely sold out. My chef brain starting churning immediately. 

When buying groceries in a time of uncertainty you always want to remember to buy foods that can be used to create multiple meals. This is a sure fire way to make your money stretch. Fresh foods are always needed, frozen foods are the most desirable, and your money needs to be spent accordingly. 

Below Are Some Tips & Tricks On How to Grocery Shop in Times of Uncertainty. 

Shopping in Bulk:

Aside from household needs, shopping in bulk for your kitchen in time of uncertainty can help tremendously. Here, you want to stock up on things that otherwise would drain your money buying small quantities repeatedly in the store. 

Plastic Quart Containers w. Lids - These are a chef’s favorite tool for prepping. Plastic quart and pint contains are perfect to store just about anything in. You can put them in the freezer and in hot water and be sure to add a piece of tape on them to date and label whats inside.

Seasonings - Buying seasonings in bulk is great to keep your pantry stocked. Here you want to buy basic seasoning like salt, ground pepper, granulated garlic, your favorite dried herbs, spices, etc. 

Oils - 2 basic oils are needed for the long haul. A canola oil, vegetable oil or blended oil that can be used for things like frying and roasting. Having olive oil is great for marinades and making light vinaigrettes. If you can only afford to buy 1 type of oil try purchasing blended oil, it's the best multi use option. You can use blended oil to fry, roast, marinate and make salad dressings if needed. 

Sugar - Buying sugar in bulk helps cut down on buying small boxes each time you run out. Sugar can also be used to pickle foods (i.e- pickled onions ) and cure foods as well if you want to step your cooking game up while your home.

Frozen Shrimp - If you're not allergic, having a bag of frozen raw shrimp in the freezer lasts and makes multiple meals. Think shrimp-n-grits, pasta & shrimp, shrimp omelets for at home brunch and more. 

Eggs - A flat of eggs can provide breakfast, lunch (think egg salad ) dinner (think DIY ramen bowls) and filling protein rich snacks in between. 

Butter - Remember butter can be frozen, so freeze the majority and take one box out to unthaw at a time as needed.  Buying butter in bulk might seem expensive up front but if you can, it will be a money saver like sugar in the long run. 

Meat & Protein - Buying meat and proteins in bulk can vary from household to household. For households with multiple people buying in bulk may be worth it versus smaller households may be better shopping in smaller quantities. Remember to break your meat down in manageable portions and freeze in ziplock bags. Your money is in your freezer!  If you do buy meat in bulk, buy a variety of:

- Chicken ( soup parts, legs and thighs for meals, breast for soups and salads)

- Ground meats ( think meatloaf's, meatballs, crumbled in baked pasta dishes ) 

- Sausages can be ate whole or removed from their casing and crumbled in sauces and other dishes 

- Fish - raw fish can be frozen. Just pat dry and freeze in an air tight ziplock bag. 

Shopping In Quantities At The Supermarket: 

Supermarket shelves are meek right now, but maneuvering the sales flyers will help. I love to utilize the ' number sales'. For times like this buying the suggested item 2/$3 - 3/$3 - 5/$5 will be the most helpful. Also, remember, buying fresh produce is still ok; just be sure to cook it within a few days. Don't give your fresh foods the opportunity to spoil as this wastes your money. 

Rice - Rice is always a great staple to have. As you know you can use it for any meal period with anything involved.

A Variety Of Dried Pasta's - Racking up on a variety of dried pastas is fantastic for making multiple meals. Think spaghetti, pasta that can be made into large baked pasta dishes and pastas that can go well in soups. 

Breadcrumbs - Having a container of breadcrumbs isn't needed but it’s a cheap option if you need to add texture to a dish. And its a great and cheap alternative to thicken soups and sauces. You can also toast them in a dry skillet over low heat, add in dried herbs and make your own seasoned bread crumbs. Just be sure to store in an air tight container. 

A Variety Of Canned Tomatoes - I will stand on a mountain top and yell my praises for having cans of tomatoes in your home. Peeled whole plum, diced, crushed, sauce, and puree. All of these types of tomatoes can be mix and matched for all meals. Think soups and pastas, baked eggs, 

Dried or Canned Beans - We always hear about having beans in your home during times of uncertainty but it's true. Beans are such a great thing to have in stock at home for multiple meals. Think refried beans for breakfast , hummus, a cold bean salad for lunch, creamy beans for a homemade rice bowl and more. 

These are just a few tips to help get through hard time. Do you have any more tips? Drop them in the comments below.


